What is OWASP? What is the OWASP Top 10? All You Need to Know

Injections include SQL injections, command injections, CRLF injections, and LDAP injections, etc. Insecure Direct Object ReferencesInsecure Direct Object References occur when authentication isn’t properly executed.

But when penetration testing and scanning tools don’t trigger alerts, or their alerting thresholds are ineffective, then they’re useless. Applications relying on updates from unverified sources. This includes all plugins, libraries, or modules updates coming from unverified and untrusted sources or repositories. A few years ago the South Carolina’s Department of Revenue suffered a massive hack due to a weak password used by an employee.

OWASP Top 10: Insecure Design

This just goes to show that when an injection hits, it can hit very hard and have devastating results for those involved. Each user should have access only to his own account , rather than be able to access to any record to reduce the risks of account misuse or modification. Vulnerabilities are almost always found in the authentication process, whether logging in or resetting a password. For example, with WordPress sites, an XSS attack is of critical OWASP Top 10 Lessons severity when targeted at an administrator due to the user’s ability to load plugins and thus execute code on the server. Remember all those vulnerabilities in the OWASP Top 10? You can learn how to use each of them to exploit WebGoat, giving you a more practical view of how these security flaws work in the real world. Use a server-side, secure, built-in session manager that generates a new random session ID with high entropy after login.

  • Learn what to do and avoid—as modern app development, software re-use, and architectural sprawl across clouds increases this risk.
  • Implementing effective monitoring and an audit trail with integrity controls for high-value transactions will help you minimize the chance of data breach and code infection.
  • You’ll discover some real-life examples of the most dangerous vulnerabilities and learn how to mitigate them.

That means 18 years is still not long enough for us, as an industry, to remedy these flaws. With the exception of the Injection category, which is quite broad, the other four are business logic or misuse flaws. If we compare the first list from 2003 with this year’s list, we can see that seven of the 10 items are still an issue in some shape or form. Fetching a URL has become a typical occurrence as new online applications give end-users convenient functionalities. Ensure that log data is encoded appropriately to avoid intrusions or cyber threats to the monitoring systems. By checking new or modified passwords against a database of the 10,000 worst passwords, it is possible to boost password security. The majority of online apps are created with the help of third-party frameworks.


This community works to create freely-available articles, methodologies, documentation, tools, and technologies. The OWASP Foundation is a 501 charitable organization that supports and manages OWASP projects and infrastructure. While allowing users to point an application to a specific URL is convenient for end-users, this practice comes at a cost in terms of security.

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