Past Project Intervention
- Child Rights Resource Center (CRRC)
- CRRC Children Group meeting
- Kitchen Garden Training and Unit
- Children Movement for Climate Justice(CMCJ)
CRRC is a non-institutional hub for the promotion and protection of Child Rights. The objective of the CRRC is ‘to promote education through mainstreaming the working for Dalit and Adivasi children through CRRC concept. The children learn protection of their dignity, develop a systematic attitude to develop themselves into respectful citizens of the country. While the CRRC is a place for the younger children to play and learn, it is a place to get educated and trained in picking up good behavior, for the elder children, so as to nurture naturally among children in the outside society, to develop a conscious mind towards socio-political empowerment.
HOTHS has facilitated to the forma the Children Group in our working 25 villages. The Children Group members are conducting the weekly meetings and savings in their Children Group. In that month the organization has facilitated to the Children Group on book keeping in minute book, saving book and membership fees register. In that every month Children Group are functioning with regular meetings and savings.
HOTHS project is sensitive to promote eco-environmental sustainability which can be understood as an ecosystem approach to agriculture. The project aims at the projection of the eco system of the land. Towards achieving this aim few pilot programs like promotion of Kitchen garden, tree plantation have been implemented in all the 25 villages through SHGs and children.
HOTHS team formed Environmental protection Committees in 25 villages of project area with children and youth, created awareness on children about climate change through Mass Meetings, Rallies, cultural programs, human chain, video clippings, and cycle rallies. Children got awareness on climate change through exposure visits, training on Bio-diversity, and importance tree plantation to protect the environment. Trained children given orientation class in t heir respective villages on climate change, air pollution, sound pollution, water pollution, and ban on plastic usage. Children created awareness on importance of tree plantation and kitchen garden to reduce Vitamin A deficiency in Dalit/ Adivasi and poor children
HOTHS formed 90 SHG’s and strengthened three CLA’s in protect targeted area, covering of 932 members and given trainings on SHG concept of savings and thrifts financial literacry, formation of Mandal level self help group federation. All the group leaders, these women leaders were trained in social issues, particularly unequal wages, illiteracy, sexually pestering, domestic violence, drinking water, gender equality, decision making process in a family/ society, health and hygiene, and water and sanitation under Balakeerthi project.
Created income generation programmes for Sony SHG in Akkapalli village, by supporting in establishing the paper plates making. The members of the g roup have been trained in this activity, and they started doing business from their unit.
Hoths Created Musical Band Unit in jennivaripalli village, was not taken up due to several social and technical reasons. The soils in the project area filled with gravel, which is not suitable for manufacturing of quality bricks. As a result, the soils need to be transported from long distances, which is not a feasible option for the communities.
Hoths has facilitated kalayani Dappu musical team training and unit in Basanipalli village. The Dappu musical training to organized for 12 youth Dalith people, who do not have employment in Dalith community in Basanipalli village. The training has started on 7th July 2010 in basanipalli. In that day the Dappu musical training centre inaugurated.
This activity is a special educational Scholarship program for Semi orphans, Orphans, destitute, disables, and HIV positives children. During the project period of 7 years, a total of 842 children (at an average of 120 per year) were supported with an amount of Rs.1200/- to fulfill their education needs. The children for this sponsorship are selected by the SHG members in the community, basing on their helplessness and social background. This helped the children to continue their schooling.
In Project targeted area, children’s and SHG members are fully aware of waterborne diseases, and what are the diseases will spread through open defecation. All the children’s and family members are come forward to construct toilet it their house’s. All the community have aware of the seasonal diseases through this training.
Through this training how the HIV virus transmitted, all the community fully aware of HIV virus, and how it transmitted via, having sex without condom, passed from mother to baby, sharing infecting equipment, and contaminated blood transfusions and organ transplants. HOTHS Balakeerthi project identified affected/ infected children’s (9), supported from the Balakeerthi project sponsorship program for their education.
Article on the efforts of HOTHS –KNH with regard to eco- enviro nmental protection with a message that every individual has the respon sibility to protect and promote environment –Local MPDO and Sub-Inspector of Police were the