Hoths is working with the formation of women small scale farmer groups in 50 villages Besthavaripeta and Komarole Mandal, prakasam district Andhra Pradesh.

Hoths is working with the formation of women small scale farmer groups in 40 villages in Komarole Mandal in prakasam district Andhra Pradesh; we have identified the unemployed educated Volunteers with the help of Village level community based organizations.

The main objectives is To Ensure 365 days of providing the food security and Social –economical empowerment of women groups by promoting organic paddy and vegetable cultivation through sustainable agricultural practices .The project aims to enhance farm productivity Income generation and nutritional security by adopting eco-friendly farming methods, efficient resource management and market linkages.

Hoths on behalf of Basler Lepro-hilfe Switzerland.

Hoths on behalf of Basler Lepro-hilfe Switzerland. Intervention program for the Elimination of Leprosy through Educationaland Detection Initiatives in 20 Villages in Komarole Mandal of Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh – India Community Educators and Project Coordinator did a very great job in achieving the target through the key activities. The door to door education was very effective and through this approach the staff were enable to spread the awareness among the families in the targeted villages. We arranged 12 detection medical camps in 12 villages and the camps organized with medical professions were 12750 people benefitted. The persons suspected for leprosy symptoms were motivated to attend the detection camps. During door to door approach and the detection camps IEC materials like awareness pamphlets and handbills were distributed with the supported by Basler Lepro-hilfe Switzerland.We have conducted the training programmes at village level cluster level with the help of Dr.Ch.Chaithanya Deepak Medical officer komarole, Dr.P.Ashok , Mrs.Rajitha Banu,Medical officer Rajupalem Deputy ParaMedical officers 1.Mr.Rami Reddy 2.Vara Prasad.3.Mr.Sambhi Reddy.4.Srinivasa Reddy Mr.Devakumar.Dr.Hasena Begum.

Identifying the trainees for skill up-Gradation Training

Hoths Organization for the Human Services is Conducted One day workshop on Identifying the trainees for skill up-Gradation Training to be held on 9th December 2022 at Tribal Colony Diguvametta village Nallamala forest area with the participation of Village level community based organization from GiddalurVenkatapuramDiguvametta village Bamboo Basket making women associations. The Women associations are identifying the trainees from the group in their own Community. Mr.Sathish Samuel Retired KNH India Country Director facilitated the entrepreneurship training Programme.


When the world was in the grip of COVID-19 pandemic and the sufferings of the underprivileged were unspeakable – thanks to BILDHILFT E. V. EIN HERZ FÜR KINDER for their timely support to 452 families. 

The support reached the children, the senior citizens, and the pregnant and lactating women, who are the most vulnerable.  Fourteen (14) essential items, including the ration to eat and survive, and sanitary items to protect and safe-guard themselves, have helped these families to get along for as long as one month during the lockdown and severe spread of the pandemic. This support of essential dry items helped these families to get back to the cooking stove – cook and serve food to their families.

The support reached seven (7) habitations in Diguvametta panchayath – (1) Diguvametta Main; (2) Erukala Colony; (3) Chenchu Colony; (4) Bramaramba Colony; (5) Yanadi Colony; (6) Madara Colony; and (7) Venkata Puram.


Village Name

Final list of selected beneficiaries by the committee

No of Girl


No of the Boys


Diguvamitta main





Erukala colony





Chenchu Colony





Bramarambha colony





Yanadhi Colony





Madara Colony





Venkata puram










This is the most essential humanitarian support that these communities have received from BILDHILFT E. V. EIN HERZ FÜR KINDER through HOTHS, the NGO which stayed with them, and represented their sufferings to get the help.


Main Objectives of the project on Eradication of Leprosy through awareness Creation and peoples participation among Rural population 20 villages Tarlupadu Mandal in Prakasam District Andhrapradesh India .

This programme is aimed at creating awareness among the communities on Leprosy and allied subjects.  Through awareness generation, the project aims at eradication of Leprosy and its ill-effects.  This project was initiated in the month of August 2021 in 20 villages of Tarlupadu Mandal in Prakasam District.

Global Compassion International.INC. USA

HOTHS distribution of COVID Relief Materials to 95 disadvantaged Scavenger families of scheduled castes and tribal Communities at Gottamindlu on 18th August, 12.00 am to 2.00 pm 2021 in Bestavarapet Mandal Prakasam district.

HOTHS explained about the value of the assistance received from the donor organization on behalf of Mrs.Indira Oskvarek .Global Compassion International .INC .USA to help the people who are doing menial jobs such as cleaning canals, waterways and drainages, suffering severely with illness. The people of the village are daily wagers and due to the pandemic situation, now only they all have started to go for their daily work. At this hard time, the materials they received will be more helpful for them to feed the hungry children and elderly persons and other family members for at least two weeks. 

Mr.V.Venkateswarlu, SBI – Manager, CUMBUM, Mr. V. Vijaya Bhaskar, volunteer Global Compassion international USA, Och.Narasimhulu, HOTHS, Vice President and Mrs. S.Ameena, member, Mrs.Varalakshmi Mrs.Saidamma ICDS Instructor HOTHS were the invitees and graced the program. The distribution had been successfully arranged with the help of village leaders and volunteers. Then invitees distributed the relief materials such as Facemasks, Sanitizers’ Rice -15kgs, Dhal – 2kgs, Oil – 1 Kg, Tamarind – 1kg and Vegetable Mirch Tomato .These families are living in the road side.

International Child Resource Institute (ICRI) USA.

Hoths creative the awareness on eradication of covid .19 pandemic deceases 25 villages in rural area with the participation Mrs.Mubina.MBBS Medical officer, Mr.Nageswararao, HEO Asha volunteers ANMS along with her staff members Primary health center Galizerugulla were participated the distribution of the Facemasks ,Soaps Hand hygiene  Sanitizers, Utilization of the vaccination centers .Hoths conducting the  village level health and Hygiene, awareness programmes and also distributed food pockets for hunger Scavenger family children and pregnant ill health woman’s with the support of International Child Resource Institute (ICRI) USA.


We had awareness programme conducted by the HOTHS organization on 27-10-2019 with the help of Mercury pronex Trust, UK. On that day we had chief guests Dr. Mubhina, Dr. Prakrudhin and Health organization officer Nagesh Rao, they all spoke about how to prevent HIV/AIDS.

Prevention of HIV AIDS

Prevention of HIV is 100% possible with the following certain rules.

  • Abstinence (Not having illegal sex )
  • Limiting your number of sexual Partners.
  • Not to share Needles injection with other people.    
  • Using condom.
  • Blood transaction risk
  • Saliva is not able to transmit HIV Also by touching Patient transmission is not possible
  • Already positive patients should use antiviral Drugs.
  • Free exposed persons should take prophcjlaetie antiviral therapy.

Using media to create awareness and behavioral Change so     that we can prevent AIDS spreading from oneself to another. 

Conducting programmes like stage drama and songs to create awareness among the people about AIDS. 

We also can work with the Government and NGOs for availing referral Services and Care and support Facilities.


Wheel Chair distribution programme

HOTHS Distributed 15 wheel chairs for the physically Challenged persons with the support of Indian Christian Mission Hyderabad on 12th November 2020 at HOTHS Balakeerthi Nilayam at Singripalli Rev.Fr .Arokiadoss from Holysprit Church Fr.Philip from ICM HOTHS Secretary and the project director Mr.Venkateswarlu participated the programme and distributed the wheel chairs to the beneficiaries .The main Objectives of the distribution of the wheel chairs is one of the most commonly used assistive devices to promote mobility and enhance quality of life  for the people who have difficulties in walking eg.person with spinal cord injuries resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia muscular dystrophy etc.wheel chair mobility opens opportunities for wheelchair users to study ,work ,engage in social activities and access services such as health care .In addition to providing mobility an appropriate wheelchairs benefits the physical health and quality of life of the users by helping in reducing common problems such as pressure sores progression of deformities and improves respiration and digestion.

To ensure effective mobility wheelchair users need a wheelchair which fits them correctly and meets their specific needs.

HOTHS Distributed 15 wheel chairs for the physically Challenged persons with the support of Indian Christian Mission Hyderabad on 12th November 2020 at HOTHS Balakeerthi Nilayam at Singripalli Rev.Fr .Arokiadoss from Holysprit Church Fr.Philip from ICM HOTHS Secretary and the project director Mr.Venkateswarlu participated the programme and distributed the wheel chairs to the beneficiaries .The main Objectives of the distribution of the wheel chairs is one of the most commonly used assistive devices to promote mobility and enhance quality of life for the people who have difficulties in walking eg.person with spinal cord injuries resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia muscular dystrophy etc.wheel chair mobility opens opportunities for wheelchair users to study ,work ,engage in social activities and access services such as health care .In addition to providing mobility an appropriate wheelchairs benefits the physical health and quality of life of the users by helping in reducing common problems such as pressure sores progression of deformities and improves respiration and digestion. To ensure effective mobility wheelchair users need a wheelchair which fits them correctly and meets their specific needs



Mrs. Nirmala Bai who was the Project Director for HOTHS Organization from the beginning and very active in rendering her services to the vulnerable and downtrodden communities in this area. Unfortunately she had an heart attack on 28 th March, 2020 and pass away. But her dreams and memories to help the poorest of the poor are still pending. The staff of HOTHS, Village Level Community Based Organizations is ready to fulfill her dreams to help these poor and needy in these areas in the memory of Late Nirmala Bai.

We approached the philanthropic minded Organizations namely; BOSCO SEVA KENDRA, HYDERABAD and SHAMDASANI FOUNDATION, and they came forward and helped HOTHS to help the underprivileged communities at BESTAVARAPETA MANDAL, PRAKASHAM DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH .

With the kind support and cooperation of the above donors we distributed five types of Green leaves, Vegetables and Groceries to the migrants, daily labourers, pregnant women, physically challenged and destitute women from 9th to 14 April, 2020. We covered 7 villages for 3,212 poor and needy beneficiaries.

The Government Medical Officer Dr. Mubhina, Mr.P.Nageswara Rao .HEO Mr.Thirupathi Reddy COVID Nodal Officer also joined with our HOTHS Organization and he conducted health awareness camps on COVID 19 in these seven villages. Our Staff organized these programs very systematically and gives help to the real victims during this Corona Virus season. We the staff of HOTHS Organization join their hands with our beneficiaries to thanks BOSCO SEVA KENDRA, HYDERABAD, Shamadasani Foundation, and the Government Medical officer. DR.Mubhina.P.NageswaraRao.HEO.P.Thirupathi Reddy. Nodal officer COVID.19.


Hoths organization for the Human services (HOTHS) conducted the sensitization meeting on effects of COVID – 19 Pandemic disease on 30-04-2020 at Singarapalli Village, Bestavarapeta Mandal of Prakasam District; Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Venkateswarlu, Secretary and Project Director of HOTHS organization welcomed all the participants and the invitees. Mrs. Mubhina, Medical officer, P.Nageswara Rao HEO, from Government Primary Health Centre, Galizerugulla spoke on the hazards of COVID 19, spreading over the rural villages and throughout the state of Andhrapradesh.

The spread of COVID – 19 caused by coronaVirus in 2019 from Wuhan in China.The COVID disease symptoms has been found as continuous fever, Respiratory distress, and cough throat. Further, it will create headache, watering of nose, loss of taste, loss of smell and diarrhea. Old age persons above 60 years, 6 years’ children, 9th month pregnant women, low immunity persons are the high risk / vulnerable persons.

Wearing masks, washing hands with soap water, using sanitizers and maintaining social distance are the prevention measures of COVID – 19. There is no vaccine, or particular medicines or treatment available for Covid.19 till now. Some antiviral drugs are used for rx.Trials for vaccines are going on. As per the great slogan “Prevention is better than Cure,” we should maintain preventive measures by practicing in our daily life. We can decrease the mortality by identifying and treating the vulnerable / high risk persons.  Totally 210 people both women and men from the surrounding villages Singarapalli Village, Baleshearapuram, Galizerugulla and Hanumayapalli.  We thank the medical doctors and Bosco Seva Kendra, Hyderabad for their great support in organizing the program towards benefitting the people. The Hoths Executive Committee Member Mr.G.Obaiah, FRIENDS President Dr.Bch, Narasaiah participated in the Programme.



Awareness on Eradication of child marriages, With the Support of KNH -CMCJ Net work and few Local Supporters the organization has taken up activities 6 villages of Bestavarapeta, Tharlupadu, Cumbum Mandals Mrs.Nirmala Project Director of HOTHS being the coordinating and monitoring Prakasam, Guntur, Krishna  districts for a period of 15 days From 06-09-2018 to 20-09-2018 to ensure effective execution of the programmes with the support of KNH-CMCJ NET WORK. 

  • Awareness camps on Eradication of Child marriages.
  • Awareness on Domestic Violence and women Rights.
  • Awareness of Child Protection.
  • Awareness on Food Security.
  • Awareness on Community Problems &Issues.
  • Awareness on Livelihoods and promotion of Livelihoods.


After School Evening School Tuition Centers project was initiated by Hoths Organization for the Human Services with the support of “World Day of Prayer USA “from December 2018 at Rural and remote Hill and forest area Especially Tribal children’s at  Diguvamitta in Giddalur Mandal Prakasam District Andhrapradesh. The entire Children’s of this project are from 7 Villages. The Children’s parents are working as a Seasonal Laborers and their main works are making Bamboo Basket and agricultural fields. These families are living in the huts with the roof of thatched houses. They don’t have separate room for studying their homes. The Main Objectives of this project Eradication the Dropouts child Labor addressing the children problems and issues and provide the quality Education through after School Evening Tuition Centers. This project has been very much welcomed by hill and forest are tribal families   



Promotion of sustainable income through promotion of small Entrepreneurship project was initiated by HOTHS Organization for the Human services with the support of the Foundation Le Solstice Switzerland from February 2019 to January 2020 at Rural and Remote villages in Bestavarapet Mandal, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. The entire entrepreneurship of this project area from eight Villages. The Project area geographically falls under severely drought stricken Zone. Being on agrarian region all the communities are dependent on Agriculture work for their livelihood. The main Entrepreneurship Development like Animal husbandry, Vegetable business, fancy store, Goat rearing, Sheep rearing development the below poverty people. 


Nutritional support to aged and vulnerable peoples with the help of SHADASANI  FOUNDATION at Diguvamitta village Giddalur Mandal in Prakasam District. HOTHS has identified 42 senior citizens who are living under vulnerable conditions in tribal village of Diguvametta.  The package containing Rice, Dhal, Onions, Oil were supplied to these families.  The organization also mobilized supporters from the project areas who contributed in the form of kind or cash which made us to extend the support to this many senior citizens. 


Tiffn Center

The project has been supported by the esteemed UBERSEEHILFS WERK, Germany  at Singaripalli and Sarva Siksha Abiyan Government of Andhrapradesh for supporting with food and educational support to 125 children at Singaripalli Gantapuram and KothaMallaMuram Villages in Bestavarapeta Mandal. 

  • The Need of the Project;-Programmes are planned for the benefit of the children whose families are have migrated and for the children of destitute and Vulnerable families. Programme like assuring Schooling they were provided with (food security) care and additional educational support through this Centers. 

 The Expected outcome of these projects: 

  • Social Security and food security aspects of 125 vulnerable children’s are assured.
  • The Children are out of social stigma they are facing due to their family underprivileged conditions &feelings they are on par with other children’s in the society.
  • 125 Children’s of (both sexes) are continuing their schooling and Education.
  • Special coaching is given to these children to ensure qualitative learning to enable them to get enrolled in to better schools/hostels/Residential Schools/professional Colleges/Technical Courses.
  • 125 children’s physical and mental status is boosted to the maximum extent.


The EECG- USA Support the project on Environmental Conservation and Education Project on youth solidarity for safe Environment Activities for the year from 2018-19 .The main objectives of this project creative the awareness on Eradication of plastic usage through theTraining, Meetings, Rally’s, with the participation of village level community based organizations like children groups ,women Groups, youth groups of the Vulnerable communities both male and at 20 villages in Bestavarapeta Mandal in prakasam district Andhrapradesh India .The outcome of this project Many people will be changed their attitude to usage of alternate materials against plastics village healthy Environment will be promoted and the threat of Plastic usage will be prevented. 


HOTHS  on behalf of KNH-CMCJ(CHILDREN MOVEMENT FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE )is conducting the Awareness Campaign on World Day Combat the Desertification as on Dt 17thJune 2018 at Andhrapradesh social welfare Residential Junior college   Racherla at Racherla Mandal Prakasam District Andhrapradesh India . The project Director Mrs.Nirmala Bai motivating the children on THEME; LAND HAS TRUE VALUE INVEST IN IT, to raise the awareness about desertification land degradation and drought at the highest to ensure that initiatives to combat desertification and Save the Rain water through the Rain water harvesting system and cultivate the waste land and provide the water facility through the Bore wells, Small tanks, ponds, Cannels. The CMCJ National president Mr.Prasanth as orphan student of Engineering. Previously he is a dropout student of HOTHS Child rights resource center at Khagipuram village. He spoke to the meeting on main objective of the CMCJ and its roll of the children’s in their own communities how to protect the Ecological child Rights, Global warming and its impacts. The College children’s .K.Ammulu junior intermediate she is climbed Kilimanjaro Mountains South Africa with the help of Government. She told in this meeting tree plantation at her college campus she is utilization the wasteland to cultivate in the future .Sukanya spoke to the meeting main objective of the pollutions Drinking polluted water and its impact on health control the pollution in the global. K.Snaha spoke to the cultivation of wasteland and its impacts. Mounika spoke to the deceases of the water and Air pollution and its impacts. The project coordinator Mr.Venkateswarlu Motivating to the children’s on Rain water is a free source and relatively clean and with proper treatment it can be used for drinking/livestock and crop saving irrigation. To enhance recharge for a sustainable yield in areas where over-development has depleted the water bearing zones. The Conservation and storage of excess surface water for future requirements, since these requirements often change within a season, season to season and over a period.  To improve the quality of existing groundwater through dilution. How to utilize and develop the methods of rain water harvesting is the Rooftop rain water harvesting Surface runoff harvesting The camp will be closed vote of thanks to Mrs.Sasikala In charge principal. The children’s are feeling very happy to give the opportunity We focused the main slogan LAND HAS TRUE VALUE INVEST IN IT 


Mr. Mukku Prabhakar Reddy, a social activist from Guntur has extended support to HOTHS for organizing this event on International Women day 8th March 2019.  Samadasini Foundation has come up with the preparation of Badges for the participants.  This programme was organized in Diguva Metta village where about 150 tribal women have participated in the meeting, cultural shows and other events conducted on this day.  Mr. D. Venkateswara Naik, Principle Junior Civil Judge, Giddalur, Mrs. Y. Saritha, Additional Junior Civil Judge,Mr.J.Prabhudas .President Bar Association.  Mr. Venkateswara Rao, Manager, State Bank of India, Giddalur Mrs. Padmavathi, and ICDS Coordinator participated the event coordinated by Mrs. K. Nirmala Bai, the Director of HOTHS.  Women from different Self Help Groups also participated. The meeting focused on various women issues, women rights, gender equality Eliminate discrimination against women girl child education, early child marriages etc.It also focused on helping women gain full equal participation in Global development . Cultural shows exhibited by the girls attracted the attention of the participants.  At the conclusion of the programme, saris were distributed to 42 identified women, and the girl students who performed cultural shows were given with casual dresses for their daily wear. The meeting focused on various women issues, women rights, gender equality, girl child education, early child marriages etc.