Bestavaripeta is a Mandal in Prakasam District is located 116 KM towards west from District head quarters Ongole, and 233 KM from Velagapudi, the new capital of the reorganized State of Andhra Pradesh.
Bestavaripeta consist of 49 Villages and 19 Panchayats with a total population of 51,062 (Census 2011). The mandal has 10,845 households living in harmony. Ondutla is the smallest Village and Pusalapadu is the biggest Village in this Mandal.
HOTHS has established Self Help Groups (SHGs), Cluster Level Association (CLA), Children Groups and Children Rights Resource Centre (CRRC), Youth Groups and Education Committees in the target Area. Through our intervention, the Women improved their capacities through trainings, savings and linkages with Banks & SHGs. Also, we conducted awareness programmes on Child Rights, Women Rights, Human Rights, Health, Cleanliness, Environmental change, Disability, Resource mobilization and HIV/AIDS in the target villages. Ours is right based approach. Most of the target group learnt Rights and approaching the officials concern for their rights.
HOTHS has been exclusively involved in women welfare with specific reference to the Widows and Destitute women. Several activities are implemented for the families and children of this type of family, wherein care is taken to ensure that none of the children from these categories of household either dropout, or turn into a child labour.
Programmes are planned for the benefit of the children whose families have migrated and for the children of destitute and vulnerable families. Programmes like assuring schooling and food were planned for these children. They are readmitted into schools to continue their schooling, they were provided with food (food security), shelter and care through Seasonal Hostels and Short-Stay-Homes. They were also supplied with dress material – uniforms. Old age parents were linked with accessing schemes like pensions, ration and other entitlements.
Holistic development of Dalith and Adivasis
- Resource mobilization for the development of the children of Dalith marginalized communities and ensuring ecological rights;
- Assuring enjoyment of child rights with active participation of local communities;
- Creating sustainable living environment for the vulnerable communities and for children
- Empowerment of youth to lead a quality and better life
- Lobbying and Advocacy for the target group
- Linkages with Government and Non-Governmental organizations to solve the identified issued i.e. Child abuse and atrocity.
- Creating the awareness among the target community about Dalith Rights and legislation pertaining to Daliths.
- Child focused programmes (Child Rights)
- Women empowerment
- Youth development
- Education opportunities at Panchayath level
- Awareness on Health, Education and Eco-Environment
- Alleviation of Migration
- Protection of Children Rights
- Establishment of Child Rights Resource Centre
- Establishment of Children’s Groups
- Eradication of Child Labour and Dropouts
- Protection of Women Rights
- Establishment of Self Help Groups
- Establishment of Cluster Level Associations and Federation
- Adoption of new techniques in Agriculture
- Women empowerment
- Involvement of target group in project activities
- Socio-Economic-Cultural and Political Development of Dalith and Adiavasi Communities
The Target Groups
Women and children belonging to Adivasi and Dalith Communities
Periodicity of community with the Target Groups
Regularly – the grass-root staff will be in touch with them on a day to day basis.
The management and the Project Directors, atleast once in a fortnight
Type of Support the Target Group Needed
The process to help them towards Self guidance, self development and self respect
Their Response and Assessment of their involvement
Their participation in the meetings and allied camps organized by the organization.
Their involvement in various events conducted by the organization.
Method of interactions with the target group
Meetings, identification of problems and issues, forming then into self supporting groups and promoting them to create linkages with different government departments
The main objective of the project is to establish a sustainable development which can serve the interest of the vulnerable, poor and underprivileged communities and empower children, youths and women in the holistic development process. The main focus will be in 30 villages of target mandal, i.e., Bethavaripeta.
- To promote education through mainstreaming the working for Dalith and Adivasichildren through Children Rights Resources Center.
- To form, train, strengthen and empower the Dalith children groups, youth groups and women groups of vulnerable, poor and underprivileged communities on holistic development in their society.
- To ensure livelihood options by creating alternative employment opportunities and or value adding to the existing option with specific reference to women and unemployed youth.
- To create awareness on gender diversity for equality and unity of Dalith and Adivasi women and protect their self dignity and self reliance.
- To develop the ecosystems thorough soil conservation and plantation. Thereby restoring community rights in control. Ownership and management of these natural resources in a sustainable way towards secured livelihood and gricultural production by reclaiming waste land farms through land reclamation and reviving irrigation infrastructures.
- To advocate the rights of the Dalith and Adivasi communities and mobilize community to lobby with the government
The areas of Development
- Women (belonging to Dalith and Adivasi communities), with specific focus on the vulnerable women and their families
- Children – Belonging the the Dalith and Adivasi communities, with specific reference to children of vulnerable families and children with disabilities
- Schooling and education of the children
- Promotion of income of the families through promotion of sustainable income generation activities
- Upliftment of the living standards of the target communities through mobilizing them to access their rights and entitlements
- Social upliftment through guiding them to access their legal rights of human dignity and equality
- Dignity of women and labour
- Promotion of Human Rights, Child Rights, Right to Education, and Women Rights
What will be done
Community mobilization Formation of groups of all sects of people of our target communities Creating self-sustainability, self-governance and self-mobilization among the groups thereby among the communities as a whole.
The time period
By the end of 2030
The resources will be through finding support from Indian and Foreign sources.
- Working in a geographical area dominated by the upper caste people is a Risk which need to be termed as the big risk.
- Highly drought affected area – thereby causing financial poverty, making the target groups feel they are fully not fit to take up any confrontation with others
- High illiteracy among the communities – to understand and communicate with the others including government officials
- Organisation has a high reputation among the target communities
- Good understanding and coordination among the officials in the mandal and district level
- Active and experienced governing body in the organization, having practical experience about the problems faced by the target communities
- Qualified staff and time to time planning for the implementation of the programmes
- Over 2 decades of working experience in the present area
- Good reputation among the communities
- Good reputation among the local government departments / officials
- Committed work in the area with consolidated results being enjoyed by the beneficiaries through different activities taken up by HOTHS.
- Qualified staff working in line with the set objectives of the organization.
- Support from KNH for the implementation of the programmes
- Having a own office building, in one of the project village itself, for continued operation at ease
- Not having adequate funding resources
- Not able to afford good salaries to staff to make them stick on for a longer period working with the organization
- Problems with establishing networking with state-level NGOs due to financial, administrative, and personnel limitations.
- Lack of high level of communication /documentation skills – leading to dependence for trainings and documentation aspects.
- Scope for linking the target communities with different government departments to access their rights and entitlemens
- Successful implementation of the KNH project, thereby improved confidence among the organization’s Board, Staff and the communities about its strategies, commitment and winning confidence of the communities
- Scope for accessing resources through the achievements
- Slow but steady strengthening of different groups formed at the village level – which will lead the objectives of the organization in a sustainable way.
- Depending on single funding agency for financial support / and taking up of developmental aspects
- Frequent turn-over of the staff influencing the achievement of set goals on time.
- Not having corpus fund to meet any emergencies / eventualities at the administrative level or at the field level.